Keep your License Active For
A Year
Now licensed in all 50 states! Discover the easiest way to make money as a real estate agent without paying MLS fees, Association dues or Realtor® expenses. Yes, really!
At Realty Connect, we believe every agent deserves to write their own success story.
You worked hard for your license, invested hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars.
Whether you have been in real estate for 30 days or 30 years, there comes a time in every agent’s career when it’s time to take a step back. But when that happens, don’t tell everyone you quit. “Park” it with Realty Connect!
- Not using your license right now?
- New to real estate or part-time agent?
- Need a Plan B during market shifts?
- Inactive or struggling to generate sales?
- Moving, retiring or just taking a break?
Don't let your license expire or go inactive. Stay in the game with Realty Connect!
Buying internet leads, holding open houses and chasing unqualified prospects.
Say goodbye to MLS fees, Association dues, Realtor® expenses and brokerage costs.
It's easy to make 2-3 referrals a year. We train you how. Our average agent check is $3,200!
Help friends, family and people you know connect with top-rated agents in all 50 states.
Protect your status
Maintain your professional license and always be ready for future real estate opportunities.
get paid like a boss
Plus, earn referral fees when you buy and sell your own homes too. This alone is worth joining!
We even guarantee that you will make at least one referral in your first 30 days, or your money back.
It's easy to make 2-3 referrals a year. We train you how. Our average agent check is $3,200. Just one referral can pay for a lifetime of membership!
Become a Referral Rockstar with our 30-day Boot Camp training!
Not sure how to make referrals? Don’t worry! We’re going to teach you how to generate dozens of referrals with our 30-day Boot Camp training. Each day, our expert trainers will teach you a new strategy. We even provide you with scripts, so you will always know what to say in any situation.
Continue your real estate journey and keep the door open for future opportunities.
Let your license start working for you!
- Working late nights and weekends
- Chasing down expired listings and FSBO’s
- Buyers who want to see endless homes
- Unrealistic sellers and overpriced listings
- Clients who think you’re available 24/7
Say goodbye to the stress, long hours and clients who think you're available 24/7.
Our Agents Are
Top Rated
We’re constantly analyzing data from millions of real estate transactions and past client reviews to objectively determine which agents are best in a given market. We know who’s good!
Our selection system only rewards performance and results. Since agents can’t buy their way into our system, you can be confident that your clients are being matched with the best.
It's Fast, Easy &
100% FREE
Your clients can evaluate each agent and decide who they like best. There’s no cost, pressure or obligation for them to use any of our matches. Our service is fast, easy & 100% free!
"What's the catch?"
I get this question all the time, but the ugly truth is that 87% of all new agents have left the real estate industry within 5 years. This is because the market works in cycles and new agents are usually the most vulnerable to these shifts if they haven’t had enough time to establish themselves yet.
I know because it happened to me too. When the housing market crashed in 2008, so did my real estate career. I didn’t want to quit and lose my license, but I couldn’t afford to keep paying MLS fees, Association dues and Realtor® expenses either. Without these, no broker would hire me. Why would they? I didn’t fit their model.
That’s why I started Realty Connect. Everyone laughed at my idea, but I wanted to create an easy and affordable way for agents to protect their license and always be ready for future opportunities. But more importantly, I wanted to help my agents learn how to make money in real estate. Isn’t that why you got your license to begin with?
And it’s working. Since 2015, we have helped thousands of real estate agents just like you become successful entrepreneurs who people know and respect. Plus, we provide you with all the tools, training and support you need to build your own nationwide real estate business serving all 50 states. Are you ready for a fresh start? Your comeback story begins at Realty Connect!
– Dana Jensen, licensed broker in all 50 states
Help friends, family and people you know connect with top-rated agents in all 50 states.
- States you can refer into
- States we are licensed in
It’s easy to make 2-3 referrals a year. Plus, earn referral fees every time you buy or sell your own homes too!
*Referral fees are negotiable when you choose your own agent. The scenario above represents a 25% referral fee as an example only. Your actual referral fee can vary and will be determined by whatever is agreeable between you and the agent you select.
"Getting my real estate license was hard, but learning the business is much harder. I now see why many agents don't make it. I am very thankful to join Realty Connect. I consider them my mentors in the industry."
Gregory King
"Signing up was smooth and easy. Realty Connect made the license activation process simple. My first brokerage was a disastrous experience, and turned out to be a money pit. What a breath of fresh air joining the Realty Connect team!"
Charles Webb
"The joy and relief of finding a home for my license that I can afford is such a stress reliever. The process was quick and easy. Hoping to be able to focus on building my business and not on paying dues!"
Becky Rigaud